Definition of Ready


  • Definition of Ready (DoR)
    • A checklist of conditions that must be true before a product backlog item is considered ready to pull into a sprint during sprint planning.
    • The criteria applied to every Product Story
  • Never pull anything into a sprint that is not ready, and never let anything out of the sprint that is not done.
  • Definition of Ready defines story "ready state”; needs to meet some criteria before it can be picked up for a sprint.
  • Does not mean story is 100% defined with zero unknowns
  • Follow a checklist


A concept that is just as fundamental as Definition of Done, is the Definition of Ready. I found some great articles explaining this concept and why it is so important.

Benefits of DoR:

  • Avoids wastage of time, when a story is started and after work has begun
    • If more information is needed to complete the story, the work on it stops
  • Reduces requirements churn (scope creep) in development
  • Keeps the team members accountable to each other

With a solid definition of ready, the team should be able to confidently answer the following questions:

Why --

  • What are the stakeholders or the business trying to achieve?
  • What is their goal or outcome?
  • What is the business context?

What --

  • What is the outcome vision?
  • What is the end result of the user story?

How (& Who) --

  • What is the strategy to implement the user story?
  • Is the story small enough (i.e., story points versus team velocity)?
  • Are all the necessary resources available (people, tools, infrastructure)?

The articles suggest that as a team, everyone participates in regular backlog grooming sessions. This helps make sure everyone understands planned stories and the current product roadmap.

Example Checklist:

  • Business value is clearly articulated
    • "as a (actor) I want (outcome) so that (why)"
  • Acceptance criteria are clear and testable
    • Story has "given (preconditions) when (actions) then (result)"
  • Details are sufficiently understood by the development team
  • Dependencies are identified and considered
  • Similar completed features are considered for reference
  • The story is estimated and can be completed in one sprint
  • Team is staffed appropriately to complete the story
  • Testing is considered and/or discussed
  • Performance criteria are considered
  • Security criteria are considered
  • Analytics criteria are considered
  • Deployment criteria are considered
  • Team understands how to demonstrate the story at the sprint review

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