Posting to Facebook using Python

In relation to my post, Trolling For Self Promotion, I have begun investigating utilizing the Facebook Graph API to post messages.

I found a GREAT reference article that walks through the steps necessary to post to Facebook:

In order to prevent spam (which makes sense, although this is what we want to do), the API only lets a user post messages to the user's own wall.

Here are some references:

We cannot use Facebook's API to post to other people's walls, but this does not mean we are blocked from accomplishing our goal! I have some ideas on how Selenium could be leveraged to accomplish the same task.

Facebook Example

Even though the task I set out to do was not possible, I learned a lot and have a great zero to one example on how to post to a page.

Per Nikhil's blog, I created a Page:

I then created a GitHub project to post to a page:

With the right configuration (access token + page id), I was able to post a "Hello, world!" message.


To be fun, I looked up a sentence generator, and leveraged that to create a few sentences from the transcript of Anchorman and Romeo and Juliet combined.


I will find a better sentence generator and content someday!

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