RESTful JSON Web Service - Jersey (v1.19)

I started out once again looking into AngularJS. This time, the goal was to integrate some CRUD operations using either $http or $resource.

AngularJS $http
Using the $http Service in AngularJS to Make AJAX Requests
$q is the angular promise library

AngularJS $resource
Creating a CRUD App in Minutes with Angular's $resource
Most Single Page Applications involve CRUD operations. If you are building CRUD operations using AngularJS, then you can leverage the power of the $resource service. Built on top of the $http service, Angular’s $resource is a factory that lets you interact with RESTful backends easily. So, let’s explore $resource and use it to implement CRUD operations in Angular.

I read some articles about the pros and cons of both approaches. As I began to implement each approach, I realized I did not have a solid backend to tie into. As a result, I started to pursue using Jersey as a library for creating RESTful web services.

In the past, I have used both Jakarta Struts and Spring to do web services. But, at Explorys, our projects use Jersey. It also seems we have a project or two that use RESTEasy, but I may dig into that another time.

I got a little frustrated setting up the project as the specific goals I wanted to achieve, I could not find a beginning to end example. So, I created a GitHub account and uploaded my project to it! I wanted to use Maven, Jersey, and not have a web.xml file within the project (annotations only).

I have some step-by-step instructions that I will paste below, but the result boils down to two RESTful endpoints:

Using this template project, my next step is to create a "standard" set of CRUD operations for a dataset. The first step is to do this against an in-memory static list, but eventually, the services will interact with a database using JOOQ.

GitHub Project


Jersey JSON RESTful web service project (template) - uses annotations without removing the need for a web.xml - com.sun.jersey : v1.19

Usage Instructions to Pull down and use template project from GitHub

  1. From command line retrieve project from GitHub
    • git clone
  2. Run maven package from inside the created directory
    • mvn clean package
  3. RESTfulJSONDev3l.war can be deployed to the container of choice
  4. Use Maven to resolve the dependencies and create Eclipse dynamic web project and class/project files
    • mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0
  5. Import the project into Eclipse as an existing project

Project Creation Steps:

Assumes Maven already installed

  1. Create a new Dynamic Web Project using Maven from the console
    • mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=RESTfulJSONDev3l -DartifactId=RESTfulJSONDev3l -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp
  2. Copy the created project to an Eclipse workspace
    • /Workspaces/Eclipse/Sandbox/
  3. Update the pom.xml:
<project xmlns=""
                <!-- Java EE 6 doesn't require web.xml, Maven needs to catch up! -->
        <!-- Jersey REST Dependencies -->
  1. Use Maven to resolve the dependencies and create Eclipse project files
    • From the console within the project
      • mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0
  2. Import the project into Eclipse as an existing project
  3. Delete index.jsp located at src/main/webapp
  4. Delete web.xml located at src/main/webapp/WEB-INF
  5. Create a src/main/java source folder
    • Could use the existing src/main/resource that comes with the archetype, but this is not "best practice" Maven
  6. Create a Bean/POJO with an @XmlRootElement class attribute
    • The @XmlRootElement tells our application how this can be serialized
package com.dev3l.jersey.bean;

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;

public class DataBean {
    private String data;
    public DataBean() {
    public DataBean(String data) { = data;
    public final String getData() {
        return data;
    public final void setData(String data) { = data;
  1. Create an ApplicationConfig with an @ApplicationPath attribute
    • The @ApplicationPath is the root path of the web service calls
package com.dev3l.jersey.config;


@ApplicationPath("resources") // set the path to REST web services
public class ApplicationConfig extends Application {}
  1. Create an Example resource with @PATH, @GET and @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
package com.dev3l.jersey.resource;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.dev3l.jersey.bean.DataBean;

public class ExampleResource {
    private static List<DataBean> dataBeans = new ArrayList<DataBean>();
    static {
        dataBeans.add(new DataBean("first"));
        dataBeans.add(new DataBean("second"));
        dataBeans.add(new DataBean("third"));
        dataBeans.add(new DataBean("fourth"));
    public DataBean getDataBean() {
        return new DataBean("test_data_bean");
    public Response query() {
        GenericEntity<List<DataBean>> entity = new GenericEntity<List<DataBean>>( dataBeans ){};
        return Response.ok().entity(entity).build();
  1. Add the project to a Java web container
    • Default Tomcat 7.0
  2. Start the server
  3. Access the endpoints via a browser URL

2015040 - I have switched to using RESTEasy instead of Jersey. They are very similar and aside from a few differently named imports, the setup and use are very similar

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