Trolling For Self Promotion

Recently I was introduced to a Facebook page, TheSamePhotoofJeffGoldblumEveryday. This site is so trivial and stupid, but it has a phenomenal following of users. It seems to be a simple bot, in which the SAME picture of Jeff Goldblum is posted every day. At the time of this post, it has 259,909 likes and, on average, the same picture seems to get anywhere between 10k-20k likes a day.

This has me thinking, how can we leverage a viral instance for our own good? What if we could crawl APIs like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., to put shameless plugs in for the greater good (or our own shameless self-promotion)? Do social media sites have APIs in which the most popular entries can be derived? If so, can we leverage regularly scheduled tasks to form a virtual presence attached to these abnormalities?

Over the next few weeks, I plan to explore this topic. I have been on the lookout for an interesting side project to begin working on.

To date, this blog has a total of 879 views and 549 unique visitors. If I was to put daily comments/posts for this blog, using a bot, on top liked social media outlets, would that have a positive impact on the traffic to this blog?

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