Adding Google Authentication to the Backend of Assistify Application

Join as we walk you through integrating Google Authentication into the backend of the Assistify application. In this comprehensive tutorial, you'll learn how to use AI assistance via to streamline API integration, ensure secure communication between your FastAPI backend deployed on and the Next.js frontend on Vercel, and write robust unit tests for authentication endpoints.


Integrating Google Authentication provides users a secure and seamless login experience. Leveraging AI tools can lower the barrier to implementing complex API functionalities.

This video:

  • Connects a Next.js frontend with a FastAPI backend.
  • Uses Curso_sh for AI-assisted development to simplify the integration process.
  • Updates the application to handle authenticated requests efficiently.
  • Writes and runs unit tests to ensure functionality and security.

End Outcome:

By the end of this video, you’ll have an application with Google login on the front end and authenticated endpoints on the back end. This setup is crucial for any production application to ensure secure user authentication and protect sensitive data. Implementing such best practices in your projects enhances security and improves user trust and application reliability.

Video Highlights:

  1. API Integration: Connecting Google Authentication to your FastAPI backend.
  2. AI Assistance: Using to streamline code and simplify complex integrations.
  3. Testing and Optimization: Writing tests to ensure secure and reliable authentication endpoints.
  4. Front-End & Back-End Synchronization: Ensuring seamless communication between Next.js on Vercel and FastAPI on

Have you enjoyed this tutorial? Secure user authentication is a best practice for all production applications—start implementing these techniques today!

Key Resources:

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