Explorys, an IBM Company


Explorys, a healthcare data solutions provider and an IBM company, was my first startup experience and a significant milestone in my career. From October 2014 to July 2015, I served as a Senior Software Engineer, where I engineered robust Java REST web services and Ruby on Rails applications. This engagement was my first practical exposure to DevOps and CI/CD practices.

At Explorys, I prioritized advanced data governance, security, and seamless enterprise integration. My role involved implementing Agile practices, enhancing security protocols, and fostering optimized development practices. I also played a central role in guiding junior engineers, promoting knowledge sharing, and standardizing rigorous security and testing strategies across projects.

The categories for this project include Software Development, Agile Transformation, Security Enhancement, and Junior Engineer Mentorship.

Key Projects and Contributions

Engineering Robust Java and Ruby Applications

Project Overview: Developed robust Java REST web services and Ruby on Rails applications, focusing on advanced data governance, security, and enterprise integration.

Technologies and Applications:

  • Backend: Java, Ruby on Rails
  • DevOps and CI/CD: Git, Maven
  • Security: Java-native hashing algorithms, Duo Security API

Features and Processes:

  1. Java REST Web Services:

    • Engineered secure and efficient RESTful web services using Java.
    • Ensured seamless integration with enterprise systems.
  2. Ruby on Rails Applications:

    • Developed Ruby on Rails applications focusing on data governance and security.
    • Leveraged Ruby for building scalable and maintainable applications.
  3. Security Enhancements:

    • Transitioned password storage from LDAP to MySQL, utilizing a Java-native adaptive one-way hashing algorithm.
    • Implemented two-factor authentication using the Duo Security API.
  4. Agile Practices:

    • Led the implementation of Agile practices, including the '10-time' initiative, allowing the team to dedicate alternate Fridays to skill enhancement.
  5. Mentorship and Knowledge Sharing:

    • Mentored junior engineers on software craftsmanship best practices, automated testing, security, and breaking down stories into tasks.
    • Promoted a culture of documentation using Confluence to eliminate tribal knowledge.

Outcomes: These initiatives significantly boosted productivity, innovation, and security within the team. Implementing Agile practices and security enhancements resulted in a more resilient and efficient development workflow. The mentorship and knowledge-sharing efforts fostered a collaborative and growth-oriented team culture.

Impact and Practices

Agile and DevOps Practices

At Explorys, I promoted Agile methodologies and DevOps practices, which enhanced team productivity and software quality. The '10-time' initiative allowed the team to focus on skill enhancement and innovation every alternate Friday, leading to continuous improvement and learning.

Security and Data Governance

My contributions to enhancing security protocols, such as transitioning password storage and implementing two-factor authentication, significantly improved the system's security posture. This focus on robust security and data governance ensured the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive healthcare data.

Mentorship and Knowledge Sharing

Mentoring junior engineers and promoting a culture of documentation and knowledge sharing were central to my role. These efforts ensured that best practices were standardized across projects and the team had the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles.

Outcomes and Reflections

The engagement with Explorys demonstrated the critical role of solid engineering practices, security enhancements, and Agile methodologies in driving successful outcomes. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, the team was able to deliver high-quality software solutions that met the stringent demands of the healthcare industry. This experience underscored the importance of integrating security, Agile practices, and knowledge sharing in achieving remarkable business growth.


Partnering with Explorys was a transformative experience highlighting the importance of robust engineering practices, security enhancements, and Agile methodologies in delivering high-quality software solutions. By developing secure Java and Ruby applications, promoting Agile practices, and mentoring junior engineers, I contributed significantly to Explorys' success. These initiatives align with Dev3loper.ai's mission to leverage cutting-edge technology and best practices to drive transformative change across diverse industries.

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