TDT - Justice Data Solutions


Text and Data Technologies (TDT)—Justice Data Solutions is a small yet impactful organization that specializes in providing technological solutions for jails, prosecutor offices, and other government services. From October 2007 to February 2010, I served as a Java Web Developer at TDT, focusing on the architecture and development of a new Jail/Prosecutor JEE application while maintaining and enhancing legacy systems using Progress 4GL.

This role, my first real job outside of co-op experiences, required me to quickly learn Progress 4GL and become the sole engineer after my mentor's departure. Supporting hundreds to thousands of clients, I wore many hats, managing everything from direct customer support to mentoring junior developers. I championed the adoption of agile methodologies and revitalized legacy applications, ensuring system stability and operational longevity.

The categories for this project include Software Development, Legacy System Modernization, Agile Transformation, and Developer Mentorship.

Key Projects and Contributions

Development of Jail/Prosecutor JEE Application

Project Overview: Guided the architecture and development of a new Jail/Prosecutor JEE application leveraging JSP/JSTL, Struts, Tiles, Hibernate, and Spring on Tomcat servers.

Technologies and Applications:

  • Frontend: JSP/JSTL, Struts, Tiles
  • Backend: Hibernate, Spring
  • Server: Tomcat

Features and Processes:

  1. Application Architecture:

    • Designed the architecture for the new Jail/Prosecutor JEE application.
    • Developed features using JSP/JSTL, Struts, Tiles, Hibernate, and Spring.
  2. System Development and Deployment:

    • Guided the development process from concept to deployment on Tomcat servers.

Outcomes: Developing the new JEE application provided TDT with a robust and scalable solution tailored to the specific needs of jails and prosecutor offices. This application enhanced operational efficiency and offered a modernized platform for managing justice system data.

Maintenance and Enhancement of Legacy Applications

Project Overview: Maintained and enhanced legacy applications written in Progress 4GL, ensuring system stability and operational longevity.

Technologies and Applications:

  • Programming Language: Progress 4GL
  • Technologies: Java, JSP/JSTL, Struts, Tiles, Hibernate, Spring

Features and Processes:

  1. Legacy System Maintenance:

    • Quickly learned Progress 4GL to support and enhance legacy applications.
    • Fixed defects and stabilized legacy systems to ensure reliable operation.
  2. Direct Customer Support:

    • Provided advanced troubleshooting and networking support for remote client sites.

Outcomes: These efforts ensured the continuity and reliability of critical legacy systems, supporting the operational needs of hundreds to thousands of jails and prosecutor offices. The enhancements and fixes provided a more stable and efficient platform for managing justice system data.

Agile Transformation and Team Development

Project Overview: Initiated the adoption of agile methodologies to streamline project delivery and fostered a collaborative learning environment.

Features and Processes:

  1. Agile Methodologies:

    • Encouraged adoption of agile practices and transitioning from traditional development methods to Agile using Rally.
    • Improved development organization and project delivery efficiency.
  2. Mentorship and Knowledge Sharing:

    • Mentored a junior developer and reviewed code submitted by remote developers.
    • Promoted a culture of continuous learning and collaboration within the team.

Outcomes: Adopting agile methodologies significantly enhanced the development team's adaptability and efficiency. Mentoring junior developers and promoting knowledge-sharing practices ensured the team's continuous professional growth and cohesion.

Outcomes and Reflections

The engagement with Text and Data Technologies demonstrated the critical role of modern development practices, agile methodologies, and legacy system modernization in maintaining and improving essential applications for the justice system. By fostering a continuous improvement and collaboration culture, I contributed to significant enhancements in the development process, system stability, and overall operational efficiency. This experience underscored the importance of integrating modern technologies and practices to achieve successful outcomes in software development.


Partnering with Text and Data Technologies was a transformative experience highlighting the importance of robust engineering practices, continuous integration, and agile methodologies in delivering high-quality software solutions. I significantly improved TDT's operational efficiency and software quality by developing a new JEE application, maintaining legacy systems, and fostering a collaborative and learning-oriented team environment. These initiatives align with’s mission to leverage cutting-edge technology and best practices to drive transformative change across diverse industries.

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