Emails - Feature Toggles

Dean & Bryce,

I came across an interesting article at work and wanted to share it with you guys. Feature Toggles by Martin Fowler

The article goes through a logical progression in the complexity and usage of such toggles for cohort, A/B testing, and releasing features.

As with most Martin Fowler books and articles, he puts a common language with examples around familiar topics.

I hope you guys enjoy this!

It’s kind of funny, at OnShift I JUST finished a “feature permission” REST endpoint that returns a list of exposed features to a user based upon his/her user id, organization, and/or chain.

I ended up calling it feature permissions because I didn’t have a better name (I am thinking about refactoring it to be “feature toggle”), but the dynamic on/off configuration is what we were going for to allow beta testing of new features in our mobile app suites.

We have already started heavily leveraging Google Analytic events to track user flow and feature adoption.


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Emails - Engineering Standards