Cookies, Code, and AI - A Sweet Journey into Backpropagation
Discover how backpropagation empowers AI systems to learn and improve by drawing parallels with baking cookies. Understand its role in making neural networks more intelligent, efficient, and capable of tackling complex tasks. Explore key insights from Artem Kirsanov's video and learn practical applications of this crucial algorithm to enhance decision-making, automation, and personalization in business. Embrace the power of backpropagation and stay ahead in the AI-driven world.

Creating My First PyPI Package
I uploaded my first Python package, **tay_say**, to PyPI. It outputs a random Taylor Swift lyric to the console. PyPI is the default repository for pip. I created PyPI accounts, set up the project layout, constructed `setup.py`, and added a console entry point. Following Peter Downs' tutorial, I published **tay_say**. Now, anyone can install it with `pip install tay_say` and run it using `tay_say`.

Blameless Post Mortem Meeting Template
Production incidents are the worst kind of lean IT waste. To prevent them, we use Blameless Post Mortems. These meetings dissect events, identify actionable steps, and ensure no blame is placed on individuals. The goal is to automate repetitive tasks and foster a culture of open communication to avoid future incidents. This approach stops the cycle of blame and ensures continuous improvement and learning.

We Call it ‘Saw Time’
"Saw Time" at Dev3loper.ai empowers professionals with dedicated learning hours during business days. Like initiatives at tech giants, it prioritizes individual growth over routine tasks. Backed by top-down support, it fosters a culture of continuous learning and craftsmanship. This approach enhances team agility and innovation, ensuring sustained product excellence and professional development.

PyOhio Presentation 2016 - How To Create Your First PyPI Package
I spoke at PyOhio on July 31st, 2016, about uploading packages to Python's package distribution system, PyPI. PyPI is the default repository for Python's packaging system, making it easy to distribute and install programs and libraries. Understanding PyPI is essential due to the vast number of third-party packages. My presentation included references and practical steps for creating and distributing Python packages.

Continuous Delivery Using Docker - A React.js Application
This article summarizes a series on Docker, culminating in setting up a continuous delivery pipeline for a React.js application. It covers creating a React.js app, testing it locally, setting up an automated Docker Hub build, running the application in a Docker container, and deploying it on AWS using Docker Cloud. The result is a continuously delivered app with Docker, demonstrating the ease and efficiency of using Docker for development and deployment.

Docker Hub Automated Build
This article guides you through setting up Docker Hub Automated Builds and enhancing your Docker workflow by linking your Docker Hub to a GitHub repository. Following an initial manual Docker build, the tutorial covers creating a repository, adding Docker as a service, triggering automated builds on code changes, and running the Docker image. This step advances your Docker skills, setting the stage for more complex projects like deploying React.js applications.

Docker Hub Hello World
I set out to deploy my Docker Hub image on AWS but realized I needed to start with the basics. Following Docker's official tutorial, I learned to create a Dockerfile and set up a Docker Hub repository. I created an account, tagged, and pushed my image. The next step is setting up automated builds on Docker Hub to get the Dockerfile published and available for anyone to pull and run.

Getting Docker Running On AWS
This article explores Docker, from a high-level overview to deploying a hello-world web application locally and then hosting it on AWS. Docker is an open-source program that packages applications and their dependencies as containers, gaining popularity for its efficiency. Following a step-by-step guide, the post covers installing Docker, running a Node.js web app, and setting up accounts on Docker Hub and Docker Cloud. It concludes with deploying the application on AWS.

Proper CRUD
I created a RESTful CRUD application using Angular's $resource and integrated it with a Java backend using Google Guice for dependency injection. I used JBoss WildFly as the server and employed various libraries like Jersey for the REST client and Apache Commons Lang for utility functions. The project is available on GitHub and deployed on OpenShift, showcasing CRUD operations through simple CURL commands.

GitHub Commit Message Standardization
I realized my commit messages were weak and didn't convey the intent of the changes. Writing meaningful, committed messages is crucial for clear communication. I researched best practices and proposed standards for better commit messages. These include using a short, imperative mood summary, detailed paragraphs, and logical grouping of files. Good commit messages to speed up the review process, help future maintainers, and aid in writing release notes.

Identifying a Senior Engineer
Today, I interviewed a senior developer candidate at OnShift. I value passion and continuous learning over experience alone. Key questions included understanding SOLID principles, designing a small commerce site, technology stack choices, integration and deployment strategies, secure handling of customer data, and proposing new technologies. I seek candidates with a strong grasp of these concepts and a drive to improve.

Emails - Feature Toggles
In January 2015, I shared an article by Martin Fowler on feature toggles with my colleagues, Dean and Bryce. The article explores the complexity and use of toggles for cohort, A/B testing, and feature releases. At OnShift, I recently developed a "feature permission" REST endpoint for beta testing new features in our mobile apps, which I may rename to "feature toggle." We're also using Google Analytics to track user flow and feature adoption.

Python for the Java Programmer
At OnShift, a Cleveland-based startup, I transitioned from 9 years of Java development to embracing Python. After a month of immersion, I appreciate Python's readability and extensive standard library. I explored the ecosystem through podcasts and compared Java and Python tools, collections, and frameworks. This shift has broadened my development perspective and highlighted the vibrant Python community.

What is Hadoop?
In February 2015, I joined Explorys, a company using Hadoop to manage and sell vast amounts of hospital data. Hadoop's distributed processing and fault tolerance make it ideal for big data despite the single point of failure at the name node. Key points from "Hadoop - The Definitive Guide" include its scalability, cost-effectiveness, and powerful data processing capabilities. The book provides insights into Hadoop's MapReduce framework, HDFS, and ecosystem, highlighting its role in efficient big data management.

Effective Java
In December 2014, I explored "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch, uncovering valuable best practices. Key concepts included using static factory methods for readability, minimizing accessibility and mutability for better encapsulation, preferring composition over inheritance, leveraging generics for type safety, and implementing singletons with enums. These insights will enhance my coding practices at Explorys.

New Job, New Technologies
In November 2014, I moved back to Ohio from Florida, taking a new job at Explorys. I've expanded my technical skills in just four weeks, adding Ruby/Rails, Hadoop/HBase, Maven, Git, JOOQ, and Dependency Injection via CDI to my toolkit. This transition has been both challenging and enriching, providing new growth opportunities.
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