The Reason For the Teardrops on My Twitter Bot
Software Development, AI Justin Beall Software Development, AI Justin Beall

The Reason For the Teardrops on My Twitter Bot

Combine Taylor Swift lyrics with a Markov Chain generator and a Heroku Scheduler Python task to create a Twitter bot posting hourly random lyrics. Set up involves creating GitHub, Twitter, and Heroku accounts, and a Python environment. Use Tweepy for Twitter integration and deploy on Heroku, setting environment variables and scaling. Add Heroku Scheduler for automated tweets. Future steps: refine the Markov algorithm, add trending hashtags, and mix lyrics with other bands for fun variations.

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Posting to Facebook using Python
Software Development, AI Justin Beall Software Development, AI Justin Beall

Posting to Facebook using Python

In exploring Facebook's Graph API for posting messages, I discovered it only allows posts to a user's own wall, preventing spam. I found helpful guides and created a GitHub project to post to a page. Using the right access token and page ID, I successfully posted messages. To make it fun, I used a sentence generator with content from Anchorman and Romeo and Juliet. Next, I'll find a better sentence generator for content.

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